5 Ways to Show Your Adopted Child Love This February

Your adopted child is just as much a part of your family as any biological child or children you already have under your roof. But if you have adopted a […]
Connecting the Dots: Strengthening Communities to Prevent Trafficking in Alabama

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and the Administration for Children & Families theme for this year’s observation is: Connecting the Dots. Strengthening Communities. Preventing Trafficking. Human trafficking is a […]
Make Lasting Memories and Friends as a Staff Member or Attendee at Camp APAC This Summer

Summer camp is a quintessential childhood memory for many, often centered around shared interests. But what if there were a camp specifically geared towards welcoming adoptive youth and teens as […]
Children’s Aid Society of Alabama’s End of Year Wrap Up, Celebrating 2024!
Flip through this magazine for Children’s Aid Society of Alabama’s 2024 Highlights. Thank you for helping us Change Lives, Build Families & Strengthen Communities in 2024.
Unwrap the Memories to Come Through Adoption

In this season of sparkle and shine, you’re likely searching for gifts at the top of your loved ones’ lists. But gifts that you never outgrow and always cling to […]
Three Ways Adoption Can Lead to Living Your (and Your Family’s) Best Life!

Adoption is synonymous with big changes, often for the child being adopted. While this is certainly true, you and your family welcoming a child via adoption are about to undergo […]
APAC Classes 101: A Primer on APAC’s FREE Classes for Prospective and Adoptive Parents

Your heart is leading you to adoption, but your head is saying you need to learn more about the process and parenting before diving in. The solution to this conundrum […]
What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Adopt in Alabama: An Overview of What to Expect in the Adoption Screening and Home Study Process

You’ve decided that you’d like to start the process to be an adoptive parent. You’ve heard that you’ll be required to go through some screening before being approved for placement, […]
Empowering Young Mothers: How Children’s Aid Society of Alabama’s Project Independence Transitional Living Program Combats Homelessness

Housing instability affects millions, the unique challenges of young mothers facing housing insecurity can often go unnoticed. For pregnant or parenting young women aged 16 to 21, finding stability and […]
Suicide Prevention Month: Changing the Narrative for Adoptees, Homeless Youth, and Youth in Foster Care

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and this year’s theme for World Suicide Prevention Day was, “Changing the Narratives on Suicide: A New Story on Suicide.” The World Health Organization’s theme […]