Helping Homeless Youth Who are Pregnant or Parenting

Young women who participate in Children’s Aid Society of Alabama’s Project Independence (PI) program are often the most vulnerable of the most vulnerable. They are young, pregnant or parenting, and […]

Special Needs of Adopted Children in Schools

Adopted and foster children may have special needs at school based upon their unique life experiences of loss, abandonment, neglect, and trauma. Their experiences may impact them in the following […]

Holistic Wellness: A Whole Child Perspective

How often do you hear, “This new medicine just isn’t helping!” or “Can the therapist just move in with us?” or “We’ve tried everything, I just don’t know what else […]

Why We Want to Leave a Lasting Legacy

Children’s Aid Foundation Board Member Michael Mims and his wife Martha recently became CAS Legacy Leaders.  We interviewed them to learn more about what motivated them to make this generous gift. CAS: […]

Nine Hundred and Forty Saturdays

Nine Hundred and Forty Saturdays For families with busy schedules including work, school, and extra-curricular activities, time together is often hard to come by. Parents finding quality time to spend […]

Knots Keep Us Together

Have you ever stopped to consider how much of our lives are in knots? Think about it! We learn at a young age how to tie our shoes. We tie […]