FREE Adoption Prep. Courses (Birmingham)

FREE Adoption Prep. Classes Begin in BIRMINGHAM on January 7th! During the Trauma Informed Parenting Strategies (TIPS) training, you will join a class of 6 to 15 families, forming a […]
FREE Adoption Prep. Courses (Birmingham)

During the Trauma Informed Parenting Strategies (TIPS) training, you will join a class of 6 to 15 families, forming a support system that often extends well beyond the program. The […]
FREE Adoption Prep. Courses (Birmingham)

During the Trauma Informed Parenting Strategies (TIPS) training, you will join a class of 6 to 15 families, forming a support system that often extends well beyond the program. The […]
APAC Classes 101: A Primer on APAC’s FREE Classes for Prospective and Adoptive Parents

Your heart is leading you to adoption, but your head is saying you need to learn more about the process and parenting before diving in. The solution to this conundrum […]