Stand Sunday is November 11!

Our adoption program, Alabama Pre/Post Adoption (APAC), would like to wish you a very happy STAND Sunday, this Sunday, November 11, 2018.

STAND Sunday is all about communities of faith standing with children in foster care, along with foster and adoptive families. This year, APAC is pleased to reach out to churches and faith communities to provide a one-stop referral source for families considering adoption. Whether families have just recently begun to consider adoption, or whether this call has been years in the making, APAC wants to partner with families to help them take the next step in their adoption journey.

Additionally, for existing foster and adoptive families, APAC offers a suite of services—including counseling, adoptive family groups, a resource library, and special events and training—all at NO COST to families.

Our team of adoption-competent staff is available to present, throughout the year, to congregations or small groups all about the many ways APAC supports foster care and adoption right here in Alabama.

Our team of adoption-competent staff is available to present, throughout the year, to congregations or small groups all about the many ways APAC supports foster care and adoption right here in Alabama. Click here to request an information session for your interested group.

We’d love to hear from you about how your community plans to STAND with this very special group of kids and the people who love them! Please use #standAL and reach out via email to or call us at 866-803-2722, to connect with our APAC adoption support team!



We are ALWAYS seeking opportunities to connect with our communities across the state, as we work together to find loving forever families for our waiting children in Alabama’s foster care. Though this event has passed, contact us ANYTIME. The need for family does not end.
