Client's Rights
Children’s Aid Society (CAS) shall protect the legal and ethical rights of all consumers served and shall demonstrate respect for personal dignity, confidentiality, and privacy.
As a consumer of CAS services, you have the right to be treated with respect. It is our goal to help you and your family live in a safe and supportive environment, preferably in your home and neighborhood. It is also our goal to help you and your family gain more support from community resources.
The client has the right to…
- Know why services are being provided and what CAS staff will be doing to help the client and their family.
- Know CAS’s normal operating hours are 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday.
- Receive services within flexible hours of operation based on the client’s needs.
- Know the names, training, education, and titles of staff members working with the client.
- Be informed that any services delivered through electronic media, including telephone and computer, have associated risks, but that safeguards are taken to protect your information.
- Know that CAS uses a peer review system of case supervision.
- Receive services regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
- Fair and equitable treatment, including the right to receive services in a non-discriminatory manner, the right to consistent enforcement of program rules and expectations, and the right to express and practice religious and spiritual beliefs.
- Participate in the assessment of the strengths and needs of the client’s family and to participate in setting their goals, including the right to participate in the periodic review of their goals and request an in-house review of their care, treatment, and service plan.
- Be involved in developing plans for when the client will no longer be receiving CAS services.
- Refuse service, treatment, or particular aspects of service or treatment, unless it is court ordered. Refusal of one or more of these could result in CAS’ inability to serve the client further.
- Tell the staff if the client believes they are not being treated fairly and to contact CAS supervisors.
- Receive a written copy of Client Grievance Procedures, which outlines clearly how to lodge complaints, grievances, or appeals before services begin.
- Review the information kept in the client’s chart, with the exception of any information provided to CAS by other persons or agencies.
- Receive accommodations for written and oral communication needs.
- Know the program rules, behavioral expectations, and other factors that could result in discharge or termination from the program.
The client has the responsibility to provide accurate information relevant to the client’s receipt of services. Inaccurate or inadequate information may result in CAS’ inability to serve the client appropriately and/or effectively.