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American Family Day, Great Ideas for FREE Family FUN. Encircled images of families engaging in fun activites

Summer Adventures for Adoptive Families: Creating Lasting Memories

Hello to all our amazing Alabama adoptive families! I would like to take this opportunity to offer a few suggestions to incorporate into your summer plans. As Adoption Navigators, our team enjoys the stories families share of the memories they make. It is our hope that by showcasing these activities, a spark will be lit. By feeding your family’s spark with love, security, connection, and attachment, one day that spark will grow into an eternal flame.

Family Picnic

Is there a family activity more synonymous with summer than picnics? Family picnics have been a summertime staple for decades. The purpose of picnics is to enjoy a packed meal in an outdoor setting. This activity can have positive impacts on family bonding and mental health. As a new adoptive family or one that is more established, family bonding and mental health should be prioritized, and picnics are simple to plan. Having tons of fun while inadvertently “doing the work” to be the best family ever is a win!

Growing a Garden

The benefits of growing a garden are numerous. A family could spend time planting and cultivating a crop while providing fresh food for their family. The time spent physically investing in a garden could yield positive returns in the form of love and pride for the product. Taking the time to determine what to grow and how to grow it will help develop teamwork and cohesion. I once read, “A family that gardens together, grows together,” and felt that statement was meaningful. The attachment will come naturally.

Backyard Camping

Backyard camping is a wonderful activity that can be low cost and low stress. It’s an activity that my own family has done in the past, and it was a hit across the board. My family enjoyed the fun of camping, and I avoided the mom stress of having to pack and leave home to spend the night in the woods. If you have a tent, parents get bonus points. Sleeping bags or a bunch of blankets and covers can act as your bedding. For an added WOW factor, air mattresses result in additional bonus points. Dinner could be backyard BBQ, takeout, or a total raid of the fridge and pantry. Any of these choices are crowd pleasers. Be sure to bring out all your family fun games. A friendly reminder: do not forget the s’mores, as no camping experience is complete without them. Backyard camping is a great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort of your home. This activity is best enjoyed unplugged, so leave your cellphone on mute.

Arts and Crafts

Are you looking for ways to engage your child’s creativity and imagination? Arts and crafts offer unlimited opportunities for parents and children to engage their imagination and create works of art that could be associated with memories. Some must-have art supplies include construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons, markers, paint, and even play dough. You probably already have these items on hand, which makes an afternoon of arts and crafts an option at any given time. Popular activities for children include making tie-dye shirts, friendship bracelets, and slime. A bonus for making slime together is that it counts as a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEAM) activity which is a great way to help keep young minds active during the summer. You can find more STEAM resources for free online.


Have you ever heard of a staycation? Think of it as a vacation where you do not leave your town. Staycations became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. While on staycation, a family can indulge in the tourist activities of their area that have not already been explored. The benefits of a staycation are affordability, flexibility, and low stress. If staying in a hotel is an option, do so. There is something so fun and special about a kid getting to enjoy the amenities of a hotel as if they are in paradise and you get a break too! Need help thinking of things to fulfill your summer? Try creating a summer bucket list. When planning your staycation, check out what’s going on in your local area. The key to a staycation is to have a vacation mindset. Be adventurous and stay open-minded.

I hope you take these suggestions and have an amazing summer as you bond and attach with one another, all while making memories meant to last a lifetime. Overall, these suggestions are low-cost and easy to execute. Lastly, Camp APAC is always an option for adoptive children in Alabama and their siblings ages 9-18. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for information on next year’s camp. Make sure you check our events calendar on www.childrensaid.org often so you never miss an APAC activity. Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Tiffany Perkins, LMSW

Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections (APAC) Adoption Navigator Team Leader



This article was originally shared in APAC’s Summer 2024 e-newsletter. Click here to sign up and receive APAC’s FREE Quarterly e-newsletter in your inbox!